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Nicolas Dickinson 2023-10-16 11:51:27 +02:00
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<h4 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="nicolas-dickinson---wash-web-lead">Nicolas Dickinson - WASH Web Lead</h4>
<p>Founder of <a href="#0">WASHNote</a>. With over 15 years of experience in the WASH sector, Nick is highly specialized in the development of international and regional monitoring of WASH commitments and their enabling environments, providing country-led monitoring and evaluation of services, and facilitating trainings to a range of different organizations. Above all, he firmly believes in the need for making better use of data and digital systems to advance towards reaching SDG 6: clean water and sanitation for all by 2030.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank">Email</a> | <a href="">LinkedIn</a></p>
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<h4 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="merel-laauwen---wash-web-coordinator">Merel Laauwen - WASH Web Coordinator</h4>
<p>Merel works as an independent consultant in the WASH sector. Her work spans a variety of topics, from WASH systems strengthening to disaster preparedness in humanitarian settings. She graduated from the University of Oxford with an MSc in Water Science, Policy and Management, where her dissertation research focused on the use of systems thinking in the implementation of rural water treatment.</p>
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<h1 class="title">Agents of Change</h1>
<div class="quarto-title-meta">
<p>WASH Web is a set of participatory initiatives to give you and everyone you know better access to water, sanitation and hygiene information. This web page is where you can find more information about taking part in various ways.</p>
<p>The WASH Web is made up of people and organizations that work to fill the water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) gap to make data discoverable, usable and representative. WASH Web is meant to serve as an open platform and requires diverse inputs to work. Our vision cannot be realized without community support.</p>
<p><a href="#join">Please join us to contribute.</a></p>
<section id="working-group-initiatives" class="level1">
<h1>Working group initiatives</h1>
<p>The work groups facilitate collaboration and discussions on four different initiatives for an improved and healthy data environment.</p>
<section id="social-justice" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="social-justice">Social Justice</h2>
<p>Access to safe drinking water is a basic human right, and access to WASH systems is a social justice issue. What information is needed to improve access for marginalized people? What specific ethical issues around data collection, privacy, data ownership, and use of data need to be addressed?</p>
<section id="using-data-better" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="using-data-better">Using Data Better</h2>
<p>There is a wealth of information and knowledge available regarding WASH data. Organizations like the JMP, GLAAS, World Bank, and OECD have generated valuable data for the sector. How can we make this publicly available data more accessible and more usable? How can we incorporate data that is more difficult to find? How can we involve smaller organizations?</p>
<section id="systems-thinking" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="systems-thinking">Systems Thinking</h2>
<p>In the WASH sector, it is increasingly recognized that systems strengthening is critical to achieve universal services. Understanding and acting on systems requires that qualitative and quantitative information is used holistically in collective action. How do we bring together diverse sources of information to support systems strengthening? What are the benefits and risks of using artificial intelligence and information technology for this task?</p>
<section id="accountability-4ws" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="accountability-4ws">Accountability: 4Ws</h2>
<p>The actors accountable for water and sanitation decision-making are often dispersed throughout diverse organizations. As a result, there is a scattered and disconnected WASH data ecosystem. It is proposed to make a WASH Registry to offer an overview of <strong>who</strong> is <strong>where, when,</strong> and doing <strong>what</strong> for formal change agents. Can this make the WASH sector more accountable?</p>
<section id="join" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="join">Who can take part?</h2>
<p>Citizens, suppliers, NGOs and governments can take part to better use evidence to and to make information accessible.</p>
<p>Are you interested in one of these initiatives? Please get in touch or add an issue on Github.</p>
<p>Contact form: <a href="" class="uri"></a></p>
<p>Add an issue: <a href="" class="uri"></a></p>
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An invitation to WASH Web
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
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<title>WASH Web</title>
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<description>WASH Web is a set of participatory initiatives to give you and everyone you know better access to water, sanitation and hygiene information.</description>
<lastBuildDate>Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:00:00 GMT</lastBuildDate>
<dc:creator>Nicolas Dickinson</dc:creator>
<p>Sitting together and listening to stories is a source of insight. At a young age, my parents work on peace and reconciliation exposed me to thoughtful communicators from different places: Norwegian resistance fighter from WWII who survived against all odds and went on to work on reconciliation himself, Native American leaders and Indian leaders (from India) who processed together with Europeans and white Americans shared colonial legacies, musicians who faced incredible odds and sang about it, and Cambodian educators who survived and outlasted the Khmer Rouge. I also had the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. Through libraries and books, I continued to travel to new places.</p>
<p>As personal computers and then internet took off, my curiosity and computer programming led me to develop early information products like websites and hypercards from the mid to late 1990s. I was excited about the possibility to connect to even more of the world and to learn and share stories. Finally, my studies and work, especially from 2001 onwards, brought my passion for sharing knowledge and experiences to the water, sanitation and hygiene space. However, one thing still strikes me: listening to stories from people with different experiences is how I learn the most. They are a source of my inspiration and help me both frame and validate the information I get from diverse sources.</p>
<p>We continue to tell stories with the purpose of improving knowledge in water, sanitation and hygiene. While we tell stories in our sector and produce reports, there is often a barrier between experts who communicate in conferences and users in communities: we use different language, talk in different forums, and have different interests. But by having more exchanges between experts and non-experts these barriers can be overcome. As a result, knowledge can be discovered when it is needed by whom it is needed. Listening, validation and respect are essential so that data and information are owned by those who produce it. With WASH Web, we want participation in a space where this happens. Discussions already taking place can become more accessible.</p>
<p>But back to my story: I am remain surprised when I receive a request to work on one more national database or to produce one more programme evaluation or one more national monitoring and evaluation manual. While this has been my bread and butter for a number of years now, I am convinced that focusing more on data for action is less about these artifacts (databases and manuals) and more about the action and vision that produces data and the people who use information. Working to address people going back to open defecation after having a latrine in a community gives the opportunity to identify and collect data that will make a difference, such as understanding the latrine types and quality of latrines households use. It gives us a sense of how these factors impact the ability of people to continue to use latrines. The information is not the source of improvement. The source of improvement is from the vision and will to address a challenge of open defection. Does it require targeted subsidies? Does it require a new sanitation product by a local innovator? How can that be developed? These questions are answered through collective action and collective information sharing. Data alone is not the answer.</p>
<p>I would like to invite you to take part in a few different discussions with your colleagues, with the people you speak to day to day, and with partners and leaders:</p>
<li><p>Using data better: How can we leverage all the activities, surveys, communication and information that is already there without overburdening people?</p></li>
<li><p>Social justice: How can we improve the representation of the least served in statistics and data? What are the ethical and power dynamics around this data and how do we better manage this?</p></li>
<li><p>Systems thinking: How can we better use qualitative and quantitative information holistically in collective action?</p></li>
<li><p>Accountability: Whos doing what, where, and when? How can this be made more visible to ensure accountability?</p></li>
<p>Why a discussion? Because this is how we can link data to people and their stories!</p>
<p>I am searching for homes to host these discussions for people passionate about the stories that speak to these questions and for the data producers and users who need to link data to action. Are you someone who can facilitate this discussion? Or perhaps you know an existing community of practice such as <a href="">RWSN</a> or <a href="">Susana</a> or in a sector leader like <a href="">IRCWASH</a> or <a href="">Agenda for Change</a>? Are you interested? Please get in touch!</p>
<p><a href="">Nicolas Dickinson</a></p>
<p>Some things I have done:</p>
<li>Publishing an open source software package for downloading JMP data for all countries, including inequality country files as <a href="">a single dataset</a></li>
<li>One of the originating partners of the <a href="">Water Point Data Exchange (WPdx)</a> and long-time working group member: I first proposed it to be data exchange standard instead of a list of common indicators</li>
<li>Life-cycle analysis of costs and finance of WASH including the <a href="">WHO WASH Accounts WAPT</a> and the WASHCost calculator prototype</li>
<li>Co-founding Knowledge Point Q&amp;A with IRCWASH, WaterAid, and RedR among others: the successor is now hosted by CAWST</li>
<li>Supporting <a href="">IRCWASH</a>s online resource library in various ways since 2008</li>
<li>Researching mobile-enabled technologies from data collection to billing in WASH, including sitting on the GSMA grant panel for a number of years</li>
<li>The 12 components participatory assessment methodology for national WASH M&amp;E used to develop costed M&amp;E plans in 8 countries in Western and Central Africa with UNICEF and IRC</li>
<li>Supporting the establishment of <a href="">Akvopedia</a></li>
<li>Founding WASH Web</li>
<p>Feature <a href="">photo</a> by <a href="">McKenna Phillips</a> found on</p>
<pubDate>Mon, 25 Sep 2023 22:00:00 GMT</pubDate>
<media:content url="" medium="image" type="image/jpeg"/>

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<p>Nicolas Dickinson </p>
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<p class="date">September 26, 2023</p>
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<p class="date-modified">October 12, 2023</p>
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<p>Sitting together and listening to stories is a source of insight. At a young age, my parents work on peace and reconciliation exposed me to thoughtful communicators from different places: Norwegian resistance fighter from WWII who survived against all odds and went on to work on reconciliation himself, Native American leaders and Indian leaders (from India) who processed together with Europeans and white Americans shared colonial legacies, musicians who faced incredible odds and sang about it, and Cambodian educators who survived and outlasted the Khmer Rouge. I also had the opportunity to travel and experience different cultures. Through libraries and books, I continued to travel to new places.</p>
<p>As personal computers and then internet took off, my curiosity and computer programming led me to develop early information products like websites and hypercards from the mid to late 1990s. I was excited about the possibility to connect to even more of the world and to learn and share stories. Finally, my studies and work, especially from 2001 onwards, brought my passion for sharing knowledge and experiences to the water, sanitation and hygiene space. However, one thing still strikes me: listening to stories from people with different experiences is how I learn the most. They are a source of my inspiration and help me both frame and validate the information I get from diverse sources.</p>
<p>We continue to tell stories with the purpose of improving knowledge in water, sanitation and hygiene. While we tell stories in our sector and produce reports, there is often a barrier between experts who communicate in conferences and users in communities: we use different language, talk in different forums, and have different interests. But by having more exchanges between experts and non-experts these barriers can be overcome. As a result, knowledge can be discovered when it is needed by whom it is needed. Listening, validation and respect are essential so that data and information are owned by those who produce it. With WASH Web, we want participation in a space where this happens. Discussions already taking place can become more accessible.</p>
<p>But back to my story: I am remain surprised when I receive a request to work on one more national database or to produce one more programme evaluation or one more national monitoring and evaluation manual. While this has been my bread and butter for a number of years now, I am convinced that focusing more on data for action is less about these artifacts (databases and manuals) and more about the action and vision that produces data and the people who use information. Working to address people going back to open defecation after having a latrine in a community gives the opportunity to identify and collect data that will make a difference, such as understanding the latrine types and quality of latrines households use. It gives us a sense of how these factors impact the ability of people to continue to use latrines. The information is not the source of improvement. The source of improvement is from the vision and will to address a challenge of open defection. Does it require targeted subsidies? Does it require a new sanitation product by a local innovator? How can that be developed? These questions are answered through collective action and collective information sharing. Data alone is not the answer.</p>
<p>I would like to invite you to take part in a few different discussions with your colleagues, with the people you speak to day to day, and with partners and leaders:</p>
<li><p>Using data better: How can we leverage all the activities, surveys, communication and information that is already there without overburdening people?</p></li>
<li><p>Social justice: How can we improve the representation of the least served in statistics and data? What are the ethical and power dynamics around this data and how do we better manage this?</p></li>
<li><p>Systems thinking: How can we better use qualitative and quantitative information holistically in collective action?</p></li>
<li><p>Accountability: Whos doing what, where, and when? How can this be made more visible to ensure accountability?</p></li>
<p>Why a discussion? Because this is how we can link data to people and their stories!</p>
<p>I am searching for homes to host these discussions for people passionate about the stories that speak to these questions and for the data producers and users who need to link data to action. Are you someone who can facilitate this discussion? Or perhaps you know an existing community of practice such as <a href="">RWSN</a> or <a href="">Susana</a> or in a sector leader like <a href="">IRCWASH</a> or <a href="">Agenda for Change</a>? Are you interested? Please get in touch!</p>
<p><a href="">Nicolas Dickinson</a></p>
<p>Some things I have done:</p>
<li>Publishing an open source software package for downloading JMP data for all countries, including inequality country files as <a href="">a single dataset</a></li>
<li>One of the originating partners of the <a href="">Water Point Data Exchange (WPdx)</a> and long-time working group member: I first proposed it to be data exchange standard instead of a list of common indicators</li>
<li>Life-cycle analysis of costs and finance of WASH including the <a href="">WHO WASH Accounts WAPT</a> and the WASHCost calculator prototype</li>
<li>Co-founding Knowledge Point Q&amp;A with IRCWASH, WaterAid, and RedR among others: the successor is now hosted by CAWST</li>
<li>Supporting <a href="">IRCWASH</a>s online resource library in various ways since 2008</li>
<li>Researching mobile-enabled technologies from data collection to billing in WASH, including sitting on the GSMA grant panel for a number of years</li>
<li>The 12 components participatory assessment methodology for national WASH M&amp;E used to develop costed M&amp;E plans in 8 countries in Western and Central Africa with UNICEF and IRC</li>
<li>Supporting the establishment of <a href="">Akvopedia</a></li>
<li>Founding WASH Web</li>
<p>Feature <a href="">photo</a> by <a href="">McKenna Phillips</a> found on</p>
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Collaboration between openwashdata &amp; WASH Web
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<p>Merel Laauwen </p>
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<p class="date">October 6, 2023</p>
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<li><a href="#data-protection" id="toc-data-protection" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#data-protection">Data protection</a></li>
<li><a href="#what-are-your-data-protection-rights" id="toc-what-are-your-data-protection-rights" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#what-are-your-data-protection-rights">What are your data protection rights?</a></li>
<li><a href="#cookies" id="toc-cookies" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#cookies">Cookies</a>
<ul class="collapse">
<li><a href="#how-do-we-use-cookies" id="toc-how-do-we-use-cookies" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#how-do-we-use-cookies">How do we use cookies?</a></li>
<li><a href="#what-types-of-cookies-do-we-use" id="toc-what-types-of-cookies-do-we-use" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#what-types-of-cookies-do-we-use">What types of cookies do we use?</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-to-manage-cookies" id="toc-how-to-manage-cookies" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#how-to-manage-cookies">How to manage cookies</a></li>
<li><a href="#minors" id="toc-minors" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#minors">Minors</a></li>
<li><a href="#how-to-contact-us" id="toc-how-to-contact-us" class="nav-link" data-scroll-target="#how-to-contact-us">How to contact us</a></li>
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<header id="title-block-header" class="quarto-title-block default">
<div class="quarto-title">
<h1 class="title">PRIVACY POLICY</h1>
<div class="quarto-title-meta">
<p>When you visit our websites and contact us or create an account on *, *, and * we receive information about you.</p>
<p>We also have a commitment to reducing the use of private data to the bare minimum to provide you with these websites and associated services.</p>
<p>We do our best to handle your information securely and with respect and care.</p>
<section id="scope" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="scope">Scope</h2>
<p>This privacy policy applies to all personal data that we process on all domains related to us. This concerns personal data of visitors and users of these websites.</p>
<p>We process the personal data of anyone who has visited our website and created an account, filled in data, or contacted us.</p>
<p>Personal data is data that can be traced back to you. If you want to know more, please visit the website of the <a href="">Dutch Data Protection Authority</a> or the <a href="">EU GDPR website</a>.</p>
<section id="purpose" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="purpose">Purpose</h2>
<p>We only use your personal data for the purpose for which we are allowed to use it based on our permission to use your personal data and based on data required to provide you with the service requested.</p>
<p>We have a commitment to keep this to the minimum required.</p>
<p>We dont share your personal data with others.</p>
<section id="washnote" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="washnote">WASHNote</h2>
<p>WASHNote is responsible for the website (*, *, and * and therefore the responsible organisation for the use of your personal data as described in this privacy statement. Our full details are:</p>
Sumatraweg 5A<br>
3072ZP Rotterdam<br>
<section id="what-data-how-long-and-where" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="what-data-how-long-and-where">What data, how long, and where?</h2>
<p>We may use your name, address or business address, e-mail address, telephone number, and information you provide.</p>
<p>We keep your personal data for as long as we are required to do so by law and for as long as you use our services. We only process your personal data ourselves.</p>
<p>We process your data within the European Economic Area and we follow the the Dutch General Data Protection Regulation.</p>
<p>General rules that apply under Dutch law apply to our privacy statement.</p>
<section id="data-protection" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="data-protection">Data protection</h2>
<p>We do our best to ensure your data is safe according to the latest standards. We also minimize the amount of data we hold to the bare minimum to ensure we reduce any potential risks.</p>
<section id="what-are-your-data-protection-rights" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="what-are-your-data-protection-rights">What are your data protection rights?</h2>
<p>We would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. Every user is entitled to the following:</p>
<p><strong>The right to access</strong> You have the right to request WASHNote for copies of your personal data. We may charge you a small fee for this service.</p>
<p><strong>The right to rectification</strong> You have the right to request that WASHNote correct any information you believe is inaccurate. You also have the right to request WASHNote to complete the information you believe is incomplete.</p>
<p><strong>The right to erasure</strong> You have the right to request that WASHNote erase your personal data, under certain conditions. In some cases, may be required keep some data for 7 years for the Dutch tax authorities.</p>
<p><strong>The right to restrict processing</strong> You have the right to request that WASHNote restrict the processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.</p>
<p><strong>The right to object to processing</strong> You have the right to object to WASHNotes processing of your personal data, under certain conditions.</p>
<p><strong>The right to data portability</strong> You have the right to request that WASHNote transfer the data that we have collected to another organization, or directly to you, under certain conditions.</p>
<p>If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please contact us at our email:</p>
<p>If you submit multiple applications or a complex request, it could potentially require additional processing time. In such instances, we will make sure to reach out to you within a maximum of 60 days. If necessary, we may also request that you verify your identity by providing specific information to confirm that you are indeed the rightful owner of the personal data in question.</p>
<section id="cookies" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="cookies">Cookies</h2>
<p>Cookies are text files placed on your computer to collect standard Internet log information and visitor behavior information. When you visit our websites, we may collect information from you automatically through cookies or similar technology</p>
<p>For further information, visit</p>
<section id="how-do-we-use-cookies" class="level3">
<h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="how-do-we-use-cookies">How do we use cookies?</h3>
<p>Our Company uses cookies in a range of ways to improve your experience on our website, including:</p>
<li>Keeping you signed in and storing information for your session</li>
<p>We do not use cookies for advertising or tracking.</p>
<section id="what-types-of-cookies-do-we-use" class="level3">
<h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="what-types-of-cookies-do-we-use">What types of cookies do we use?</h3>
<p>There are a number of different types of cookies, however, our website uses only:</p>
<li>Functionality Our Company uses these cookies so that we recognize you on our website and remember your previously selected preferences. These could include what language you prefer and location you are in. A mix of first-party and third-party cookies are used.</li>
<section id="how-to-manage-cookies" class="level3">
<h3 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="how-to-manage-cookies">How to manage cookies</h3>
<p>You can set your browser not to accept cookies, and the above website tells you how to remove cookies from your browser. However, in a few cases, some of our website features may not function as a result.</p>
<section id="minors" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="minors">Minors</h2>
<p>We do not target minors with our website or as an organisation. This means that if you are under the age of 18, you need permission from a parent or guardian to use our website. If you are a minor when you visit our websites, we assume that you have received this permission before your visit.</p>
<section id="how-to-contact-us" class="level2">
<h2 class="anchored" data-anchor-id="how-to-contact-us">How to contact us</h2>
<p>If you have a question about our privacy policy, please get in touch:</p>
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if (!href || !listingHrefs) {
return undefined;
// Look up the tree for a nearby linting and use that if we find one
const relativeParts = href.substring(1).split("/");
while (relativeParts.length > 0) {
const path = relativeParts.join("/");
for (const listingHref of listingHrefs) {
if (listingHref.startsWith(path)) {
return listingHref;
return undefined;
const manageSidebarVisiblity = (el, placeholderDescriptor) => {
let isVisible = true;
let elRect;
return (hiddenRegions) => {
if (el === null) {
// Find the last element of the TOC
const lastChildEl = el.lastElementChild;
if (lastChildEl) {
// Converts the sidebar to a menu
const convertToMenu = () => {
for (const child of el.children) { = 0; = "hidden";
nexttick(() => {
const toggleContainer = window.document.createElement("div"); = "100%";
toggleContainer.classList.add("headroom-target"); // Marks this to be managed by headeroom =; = "fixed";
const toggleIcon = window.document.createElement("i");
const toggleTitle = window.document.createElement("div");
const titleEl = window.document.body.querySelector(
if (titleEl) {
titleEl.textContent || titleEl.innerText,
const toggleContents = window.document.createElement("div");
toggleContents.classList = el.classList;
for (const child of el.children) {
if ( === "toc-title") {
const clone = child.cloneNode(true); = 1; = null;
} = "0px";
const positionToggle = () => {
// position the element (top left of parent, same width as parent)
if (!elRect) {
elRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
} = `${elRect.left}px`; = `${}px`; = `${elRect.width}px`;
// Process clicks
let tocShowing = false;
// Allow the caller to control whether this is dismissed
// when it is clicked (e.g. sidebar navigation supports
// opening and closing the nav tree, so don't dismiss on click)
const clickEl = placeholderDescriptor.dismissOnClick
? toggleContainer
: toggleTitle;
const closeToggle = () => {
if (tocShowing) {
toggleContainer.classList.remove("expanded"); = "0px";
tocShowing = false;
// Get rid of any expanded toggle if the user scrolls
throttle(() => {
}, 50)
// Handle positioning of the toggle
throttle(() => {
elRect = undefined;
}, 50)
window.addEventListener("quarto-hrChanged", () => {
elRect = undefined;
// Process the click
clickEl.onclick = () => {
if (!tocShowing) {
toggleContainer.classList.add("expanded"); = null;
tocShowing = true;
} else {
// Converts a sidebar from a menu back to a sidebar
const convertToSidebar = () => {
for (const child of el.children) { = 1; = null;
const placeholderEl = window.document.getElementById(
if (placeholderEl) {
if (isReaderMode()) {
isVisible = false;
} else {
// Find the top and bottom o the element that is being managed
const elTop = el.offsetTop;
const elBottom =
elTop + lastChildEl.offsetTop + lastChildEl.offsetHeight;
if (!isVisible) {
// If the element is current not visible reveal if there are
// no conflicts with overlay regions
if (!inHiddenRegion(elTop, elBottom, hiddenRegions)) {
isVisible = true;
} else {
// If the element is visible, hide it if it conflicts with overlay regions
// and insert a placeholder toggle (or if we're in reader mode)
if (inHiddenRegion(elTop, elBottom, hiddenRegions)) {
isVisible = false;
const tabEls = document.querySelectorAll('a[data-bs-toggle="tab"]');
for (const tabEl of tabEls) {
const id = tabEl.getAttribute("data-bs-target");
if (id) {
const columnEl = document.querySelector(
`${id} .column-margin, .tabset-margin-content`
if (columnEl)
tabEl.addEventListener("", function (event) {
const el = event.srcElement;
if (el) {
const visibleCls = `${}-margin-content`;
// walk up until we find a parent tabset
let panelTabsetEl = el.parentElement;
while (panelTabsetEl) {
if (panelTabsetEl.classList.contains("panel-tabset")) {
panelTabsetEl = panelTabsetEl.parentElement;
if (panelTabsetEl) {
const prevSib = panelTabsetEl.previousElementSibling;
if (
prevSib &&
) {
const childNodes = prevSib.querySelectorAll(
for (const childEl of childNodes) {
if (childEl.classList.contains(visibleCls)) {
} else {
// Manage the visibility of the toc and the sidebar
const marginScrollVisibility = manageSidebarVisiblity(marginSidebarEl, {
id: "quarto-toc-toggle",
titleSelector: "#toc-title",
dismissOnClick: true,
const sidebarScrollVisiblity = manageSidebarVisiblity(sidebarEl, {
id: "quarto-sidebarnav-toggle",
titleSelector: ".title",
dismissOnClick: false,
let tocLeftScrollVisibility;
if (leftTocEl) {
tocLeftScrollVisibility = manageSidebarVisiblity(leftTocEl, {
id: "quarto-lefttoc-toggle",
titleSelector: "#toc-title",
dismissOnClick: true,
// Find the first element that uses formatting in special columns
const conflictingEls = window.document.body.querySelectorAll(
'[class^="column-"], [class*=" column-"], aside, [class*="margin-caption"], [class*=" margin-caption"], [class*="margin-ref"], [class*=" margin-ref"]'
// Filter all the possibly conflicting elements into ones
// the do conflict on the left or ride side
const arrConflictingEls = Array.from(conflictingEls);
const leftSideConflictEls = arrConflictingEls.filter((el) => {
if (el.tagName === "ASIDE") {
return false;
return Array.from(el.classList).find((className) => {
return (
className !== "column-body" &&
className.startsWith("column-") &&
!className.endsWith("right") &&
!className.endsWith("container") &&
className !== "column-margin"
const rightSideConflictEls = arrConflictingEls.filter((el) => {
if (el.tagName === "ASIDE") {
return true;
const hasMarginCaption = Array.from(el.classList).find((className) => {
return className == "margin-caption";
if (hasMarginCaption) {
return true;
return Array.from(el.classList).find((className) => {
return (
className !== "column-body" &&
!className.endsWith("container") &&
className.startsWith("column-") &&
const kOverlapPaddingSize = 10;
function toRegions(els) {
return => {
const boundRect = el.getBoundingClientRect();
const top = +
document.documentElement.scrollTop -
return {
bottom: top + el.scrollHeight + 2 * kOverlapPaddingSize,
let hasObserved = false;
const visibleItemObserver = (els) => {
let visibleElements = [...els];
const intersectionObserver = new IntersectionObserver(
(entries, _observer) => {
entries.forEach((entry) => {
if (entry.isIntersecting) {
if (visibleElements.indexOf( === -1) {
} else {
visibleElements = visibleElements.filter((visibleEntry) => {
return visibleEntry !== entry;
if (!hasObserved) {
hasObserved = true;
els.forEach((el) => {
return {
getVisibleEntries: () => {
return visibleElements;
const rightElementObserver = visibleItemObserver(rightSideConflictEls);
const leftElementObserver = visibleItemObserver(leftSideConflictEls);
const hideOverlappedSidebars = () => {
if (tocLeftScrollVisibility) {
window.quartoToggleReader = () => {
// Applies a slow class (or removes it)
// to update the transition speed
const slowTransition = (slow) => {
const manageTransition = (id, slow) => {
const el = document.getElementById(id);
if (el) {
if (slow) {
} else {
manageTransition("TOC", slow);
manageTransition("quarto-sidebar", slow);
const readerMode = !isReaderMode();
// If we're entering reader mode, slow the transition
if (readerMode) {
// If we're exiting reader mode, restore the non-slow transition
if (!readerMode) {
const highlightReaderToggle = (readerMode) => {
const els = document.querySelectorAll(".quarto-reader-toggle");
if (els) {
els.forEach((el) => {
if (readerMode) {
} else {
const setReaderModeValue = (val) => {
if (window.location.protocol !== "file:") {
window.localStorage.setItem("quarto-reader-mode", val);
} else {
localReaderMode = val;
const isReaderMode = () => {
if (window.location.protocol !== "file:") {
return window.localStorage.getItem("quarto-reader-mode") === "true";
} else {
return localReaderMode;
let localReaderMode = null;
const tocOpenDepthStr = tocEl?.getAttribute("data-toc-expanded");
const tocOpenDepth = tocOpenDepthStr ? Number(tocOpenDepthStr) : 1;
// Walk the TOC and collapse/expand nodes
// Nodes are expanded if:
// - they are top level
// - they have children that are 'active' links
// - they are directly below an link that is 'active'
const walk = (el, depth) => {
// Tick depth when we enter a UL
if (el.tagName === "UL") {
depth = depth + 1;
// It this is active link
let isActiveNode = false;
if (el.tagName === "A" && el.classList.contains("active")) {
isActiveNode = true;
// See if there is an active child to this element
let hasActiveChild = false;
for (child of el.children) {
hasActiveChild = walk(child, depth) || hasActiveChild;
// Process the collapse state if this is an UL
if (el.tagName === "UL") {
if (tocOpenDepth === -1 && depth > 1) {
} else if (
depth <= tocOpenDepth ||
hasActiveChild ||
) {
} else {
// untick depth when we leave a UL
depth = depth - 1;
return hasActiveChild || isActiveNode;
// walk the TOC and expand / collapse any items that should be shown
if (tocEl) {
walk(tocEl, 0);
// Throttle the scroll event and walk peridiocally
throttle(() => {
if (tocEl) {
walk(tocEl, 0);
if (!isReaderMode()) {
}, 5)
throttle(() => {
if (!isReaderMode()) {
}, 10)
// grouped tabsets
window.addEventListener("pageshow", (_event) => {
function getTabSettings() {
const data = localStorage.getItem("quarto-persistent-tabsets-data");
if (!data) {
localStorage.setItem("quarto-persistent-tabsets-data", "{}");
return {};
if (data) {
return JSON.parse(data);
function setTabSettings(data) {
function setTabState(groupName, groupValue) {
const data = getTabSettings();
data[groupName] = groupValue;
function toggleTab(tab, active) {
const tabPanelId = tab.getAttribute("aria-controls");
const tabPanel = document.getElementById(tabPanelId);
if (active) {
} else {
function toggleAll(selectedGroup, selectorsToSync) {
for (const [thisGroup, tabs] of Object.entries(selectorsToSync)) {
const active = selectedGroup === thisGroup;
for (const tab of tabs) {
toggleTab(tab, active);
function findSelectorsToSyncByLanguage() {
const result = {};
const tabs = Array.from(
document.querySelectorAll(`div[data-group] a[id^='tabset-']`)
for (const item of tabs) {
const div = item.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement;
const group = div.getAttribute("data-group");
if (!result[group]) {
result[group] = {};
const selectorsToSync = result[group];
const value = item.innerHTML;
if (!selectorsToSync[value]) {
selectorsToSync[value] = [];
return result;
function setupSelectorSync() {
const selectorsToSync = findSelectorsToSyncByLanguage();
Object.entries(selectorsToSync).forEach(([group, tabSetsByValue]) => {
Object.entries(tabSetsByValue).forEach(([value, items]) => {
items.forEach((item) => {
item.addEventListener("click", (_event) => {
setTabState(group, value);
toggleAll(value, selectorsToSync[group]);
return selectorsToSync;
const selectorsToSync = setupSelectorSync();
for (const [group, selectedName] of Object.entries(getTabSettings())) {
const selectors = selectorsToSync[group];
// it's possible that stale state gives us empty selections, so we explicitly check here.
if (selectors) {
toggleAll(selectedName, selectors);
function throttle(func, wait) {
let waiting = false;
return function () {
if (!waiting) {
func.apply(this, arguments);
waiting = true;
setTimeout(function () {
waiting = false;
}, wait);
function nexttick(func) {
return setTimeout(func, 0);

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@ -1 +0,0 @@
.tippy-box[data-animation=fade][data-state=hidden]{opacity:0}[data-tippy-root]{max-width:calc(100vw - 10px)}.tippy-box{position:relative;background-color:#333;color:#fff;border-radius:4px;font-size:14px;line-height:1.4;white-space:normal;outline:0;transition-property:transform,visibility,opacity}.tippy-box[data-placement^=top]>.tippy-arrow{bottom:0}.tippy-box[data-placement^=top]>.tippy-arrow:before{bottom:-7px;left:0;border-width:8px 8px 0;border-top-color:initial;transform-origin:center top}.tippy-box[data-placement^=bottom]>.tippy-arrow{top:0}.tippy-box[data-placement^=bottom]>.tippy-arrow:before{top:-7px;left:0;border-width:0 8px 8px;border-bottom-color:initial;transform-origin:center bottom}.tippy-box[data-placement^=left]>.tippy-arrow{right:0}.tippy-box[data-placement^=left]>.tippy-arrow:before{border-width:8px 0 8px 8px;border-left-color:initial;right:-7px;transform-origin:center left}.tippy-box[data-placement^=right]>.tippy-arrow{left:0}.tippy-box[data-placement^=right]>.tippy-arrow:before{left:-7px;border-width:8px 8px 8px 0;border-right-color:initial;transform-origin:center right}.tippy-box[data-inertia][data-state=visible]{transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(.54,1.5,.38,1.11)}.tippy-arrow{width:16px;height:16px;color:#333}.tippy-arrow:before{content:"";position:absolute;border-color:transparent;border-style:solid}.tippy-content{position:relative;padding:5px 9px;z-index:1}

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -1,243 +0,0 @@
const kProgressiveAttr = "data-src";
let categoriesLoaded = false;
window.quartoListingCategory = (category) => {
if (categoriesLoaded) {
window["quarto-listing-loaded"] = () => {
// Process any existing hash
const hash = getHash();
if (hash) {
// If there is a category, switch to that
if (hash.category) {
// Paginate a specific listing
const listingIds = Object.keys(window["quarto-listings"]);
for (const listingId of listingIds) {
const page = hash[getListingPageKey(listingId)];
if (page) {
showPage(listingId, page);
const listingIds = Object.keys(window["quarto-listings"]);
for (const listingId of listingIds) {
// The actual list
const list = window["quarto-listings"][listingId];
// Update the handlers for pagination events
// Render any visible items that need it
// Whenever the list is updated, we also need to
// attach handlers to the new pagination elements
// and refresh any newly visible items.
list.on("updated", function () {
setTimeout(() => refreshPaginationHandlers(listingId));
// Show or hide the no matching message
window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function (_event) {
// Attach click handlers to categories
const categoryEls = window.document.querySelectorAll(
".quarto-listing-category .category"
for (const categoryEl of categoryEls) {
const category = categoryEl.getAttribute("data-category");
categoryEl.onclick = () => {
// Attach a click handler to the category title
// (there should be only one, but since it is a class name, handle N)
const categoryTitleEls = window.document.querySelectorAll(
for (const categoryTitleEl of categoryTitleEls) {
categoryTitleEl.onclick = () => {
categoriesLoaded = true;
function toggleNoMatchingMessage(list) {
const selector = `#${} .listing-no-matching`;
const noMatchingEl = window.document.querySelector(selector);
if (noMatchingEl) {
if (list.visibleItems.length === 0) {
} else {
if (!noMatchingEl.classList.contains("d-none")) {
function setCategoryHash(category) {
setHash({ category });
function setPageHash(listingId, page) {
const currentHash = getHash() || {};
currentHash[getListingPageKey(listingId)] = page;
function getListingPageKey(listingId) {
return `${listingId}-page`;
function refreshPaginationHandlers(listingId) {
const listingEl = window.document.getElementById(listingId);
const paginationEls = listingEl.querySelectorAll(
for (const paginationEl of paginationEls) {
paginationEl.onclick = (sender) => {
return false;
function renderVisibleProgressiveImages(list) {
// Run through the visible items and render any progressive images
for (const item of list.visibleItems) {
const itemEl = item.elm;
if (itemEl) {
const progressiveImgs = itemEl.querySelectorAll(
for (const progressiveImg of progressiveImgs) {
const srcValue = progressiveImg.getAttribute(kProgressiveAttr);
if (srcValue) {
progressiveImg.setAttribute("src", srcValue);
function getHash() {
// Hashes are of the form
// #name:value|name1:value1|name2:value2
const currentUrl = new URL(window.location);
const hashRaw = currentUrl.hash ? currentUrl.hash.slice(1) : undefined;
return parseHash(hashRaw);
const kAnd = "&";
const kEquals = "=";
function parseHash(hash) {
if (!hash) {
return undefined;
const hasValuesStrs = hash.split(kAnd);
const hashValues = hasValuesStrs
.map((hashValueStr) => {
const vals = hashValueStr.split(kEquals);
if (vals.length === 2) {
return { name: vals[0], value: vals[1] };
} else {
return undefined;
.filter((value) => {
return value !== undefined;
const hashObj = {};
hashValues.forEach((hashValue) => {
hashObj[] = decodeURIComponent(hashValue.value);
return hashObj;
function makeHash(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.map((key) => {
return `${key}${kEquals}${obj[key]}`;
function setHash(obj) {
const hash = makeHash(obj);
window.history.pushState(null, null, `#${hash}`);
function showPage(listingId, page) {
const list = window["quarto-listings"][listingId];
if (list) { - 1) * + 1,;
function activateCategory(category) {
// Deactivate existing categories
const activeEls = window.document.querySelectorAll(
for (const activeEl of activeEls) {
// Activate this category
const categoryEl = window.document.querySelector(
`.quarto-listing-category .category[data-category='${category}'`
if (categoryEl) {
// Filter the listings to this category
function filterListingCategory(category) {
const listingIds = Object.keys(window["quarto-listings"]);
for (const listingId of listingIds) {
const list = window["quarto-listings"][listingId];
if (list) {
if (category === "") {
// resets the filter
} else {
// filter to this category
list.filter(function (item) {
const itemValues = item.values();
if (itemValues.categories !== null) {
const categories = itemValues.categories.split(",");
return categories.includes(category);
} else {
return false;

View File

@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
* headroom.js v0.12.0 - Give your page some headroom. Hide your header until you need it
* Copyright (c) 2020 Nick Williams -
* License: MIT
!function(t,n){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=n():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(n):(t=t||self).Headroom=n()}(this,function(){"use strict";function t(){return"undefined"!=typeof window}function d(t){return function(t){return t&&t.document&&function(t){return 9===t.nodeType}(t.document)}(t)?function(t){var n=t.document,o=n.body,s=n.documentElement;return{scrollHeight:function(){return Math.max(o.scrollHeight,s.scrollHeight,o.offsetHeight,s.offsetHeight,o.clientHeight,s.clientHeight)},height:function(){return t.innerHeight||s.clientHeight||o.clientHeight},scrollY:function(){return void 0!==t.pageYOffset?t.pageYOffset:(s||o.parentNode||o).scrollTop}}}(t):function(t){return{scrollHeight:function(){return Math.max(t.scrollHeight,t.offsetHeight,t.clientHeight)},height:function(){return Math.max(t.offsetHeight,t.clientHeight)},scrollY:function(){return t.scrollTop}}}(t)}function n(t,s,e){var n,o=function(){var n=!1;try{var t={get passive(){n=!0}};window.addEventListener("test",t,t),window.removeEventListener("test",t,t)}catch(t){n=!1}return n}(),i=!1,r=d(t),l=r.scrollY(),a={};function c(){var t=Math.round(r.scrollY()),n=r.height(),o=r.scrollHeight();a.scrollY=t,a.lastScrollY=l,a.direction=l<t?"down":"up",a.distance=Math.abs(t-l),a.isOutOfBounds=t<0||o<t+n,<=s.offset[a.direction],a.bottom=o<=t+n,a.toleranceExceeded=a.distance>s.tolerance[a.direction],e(a),l=t,i=!1}function h(){i||(i=!0,n=requestAnimationFrame(c))}var u=!!o&&{passive:!0,capture:!1};return t.addEventListener("scroll",h,u),c(),{destroy:function(){cancelAnimationFrame(n),t.removeEventListener("scroll",h,u)}}}function o(t){return t===Object(t)?t:{down:t,up:t}}function s(t,n){n=n||{},Object.assign(this,s.options,n),this.classes=Object.assign({},s.options.classes,n.classes),this.elem=t,this.tolerance=o(this.tolerance),this.offset=o(this.offset),this.initialised=!1,this.frozen=!1}return s.prototype={constructor:s,init:function(){return s.cutsTheMustard&&!this.initialised&&(this.addClass("initial"),this.initialised=!0,setTimeout(function(t){t.scrollTracker=n(t.scroller,{offset:t.offset,tolerance:t.tolerance},t.update.bind(t))},100,this)),this},destroy:function(){this.initialised=!1,Object.keys(this.classes).forEach(this.removeClass,this),this.scrollTracker.destroy()},unpin:function(){!this.hasClass("pinned")&&this.hasClass("unpinned")||(this.addClass("unpinned"),this.removeClass("pinned"),this.onUnpin&&},pin:function(){this.hasClass("unpinned")&&(this.addClass("pinned"),this.removeClass("unpinned"),this.onPin&&},freeze:function(){this.frozen=!0,this.addClass("frozen")},unfreeze:function(){this.frozen=!1,this.removeClass("frozen")},top:function(){this.hasClass("top")||(this.addClass("top"),this.removeClass("notTop"),this.onTop&&},notTop:function(){this.hasClass("notTop")||(this.addClass("notTop"),this.removeClass("top"),this.onNotTop&&},bottom:function(){this.hasClass("bottom")||(this.addClass("bottom"),this.removeClass("notBottom"),this.onBottom&&},notBottom:function(){this.hasClass("notBottom")||(this.addClass("notBottom"),this.removeClass("bottom"),this.onNotBottom&&},shouldUnpin:function(t){return"down"===t.direction&&!},shouldPin:function(t){return"up"===t.direction&&t.toleranceExceeded||},addClass:function(t){this.elem.classList.add.apply(this.elem.classList,this.classes[t].split(" "))},removeClass:function(t){this.elem.classList.remove.apply(this.elem.classList,this.classes[t].split(" "))},hasClass:function(t){return this.classes[t].split(" ").every(function(t){return this.classList.contains(t)},this.elem)},update:function(t){t.isOutOfBounds||!0!==this.frozen&&(,t.bottom?this.bottom():this.notBottom(),this.shouldUnpin(t)?this.unpin():this.shouldPin(t)&&}},s.options={tolerance:{up:0,down:0},offset:0,scroller:t()?window:null,classes:{frozen:"headroom--frozen",pinned:"headroom--pinned",unpinned:"headroom--unpinned",top:"headroom--top",notTop:"headroom--not-top",bottom:"headroom--bottom",notBottom:"headroom--not-bottom",initial:"headroom"}},s.cutsTheMustard=!!(t()&&function(){}.bind&&"classList"in document.documentElement&&Object.assign&&Object.keys&&requestAnimationFrame),s});

View File

@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
const headroomChanged = new CustomEvent("quarto-hrChanged", {
detail: {},
bubbles: true,
cancelable: false,
composed: false,
window.document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function () {
let init = false;
// Manage the back to top button, if one is present.
let lastScrollTop = window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
const scrollDownBuffer = 5;
const scrollUpBuffer = 35;
const btn = document.getElementById("quarto-back-to-top");
const hideBackToTop = () => { = "none";
const showBackToTop = () => { = "inline-block";
if (btn) {
function () {
const currentScrollTop =
window.pageYOffset || document.documentElement.scrollTop;
// Shows and hides the button 'intelligently' as the user scrolls
if (currentScrollTop - scrollDownBuffer > lastScrollTop) {
lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop <= 0 ? 0 : currentScrollTop;
} else if (currentScrollTop < lastScrollTop - scrollUpBuffer) {
lastScrollTop = currentScrollTop <= 0 ? 0 : currentScrollTop;
// Show the button at the bottom, hides it at the top
if (currentScrollTop <= 0) {
} else if (
window.innerHeight + currentScrollTop >=
) {
function throttle(func, wait) {
var timeout;
return function () {
const context = this;
const args = arguments;
const later = function () {
timeout = null;
func.apply(context, args);
if (!timeout) {
timeout = setTimeout(later, wait);
function headerOffset() {
// Set an offset if there is are fixed top navbar
const headerEl = window.document.querySelector("header.fixed-top");
if (headerEl) {
return headerEl.clientHeight;
} else {
return 0;
function footerOffset() {
const footerEl = window.document.querySelector("footer.footer");
if (footerEl) {
return footerEl.clientHeight;
} else {
return 0;
function updateDocumentOffsetWithoutAnimation() {
function updateDocumentOffset(animated) {
// set body offset
const topOffset = headerOffset();
const bodyOffset = topOffset + footerOffset();
const bodyEl = window.document.body;
bodyEl.setAttribute("data-bs-offset", topOffset); = topOffset + "px";
// deal with sidebar offsets
const sidebars = window.document.querySelectorAll(
".sidebar, .headroom-target"
sidebars.forEach((sidebar) => {
if (!animated) {
// Remove the no transition class after the animation has time to complete
setTimeout(function () {
}, 201);
if (window.Headroom && sidebar.classList.contains("sidebar-unpinned")) { = "0"; = "100vh";
} else { = topOffset + "px"; = "calc(100vh - " + topOffset + "px)";
// allow space for footer
const mainContainer = window.document.querySelector(".quarto-container");
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<h1 class="title">Vision</h1>
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<p>At the core of the vision, the idea is to make information discoverable, representative, and useful.</p>
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<figure class="figure">
<p><img src="images/Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 11.12.19 AM.png" class="img-fluid figure-img" width="270"></p>
<p><strong>Discoverable</strong> means that it can not only be found through search and also by simply showing interest in the area and somehow you discover it. Browsing wikipedia articles should be sufficient to find key statistics on water and sanitation. At the moment, these statistics are a few steps away in specialist websites like and this information is not automatically used in those articles. Showing interest in a specific district and search “water” and the name of US county should give key facts about water supplies. Data may already be available but simply not discoverable.</p>
<p><strong>Representative</strong> means that information should also represent the reality on the ground from different perspectives and that information is not from a single source of truth. It should also be appropriate to the local needs both in terms of the WASH sector and local populations and should be validated.</p>
<p><strong>Useful</strong> information is information from which one can begin to take action. Often key information about who to contact for more information, what happened, when and where is missing. If there is information about water services or sanitation, these are often dated.</p>
<p>In short, WASH Web intends to make information and expertise more accessible so that it is no longer only experts who are able to make informed decisions based on available evidence. Up until now, WASH Web has been an idea and a project that a few people have been playing with. This website and the project is open source and participatory meaning it is open to the initiative and inputs from others. Currently, WASHNote hosts and maintains the project website and source code.</p>
<p>Would you like to get involved? Please get in touch or add an issue on Github.</p>
<p>This website was last updated on 2023-10-12 .</p>
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annoteDlNode.addEventListener('click', (event) => {
const clickedEl =;
if (clickedEl !== selectedAnnoteEl) {
const activeEl = window.document.querySelector('dt[data-target-cell].code-annotation-active');
if (activeEl) {
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// Unselect the line
const findCites = (el) => {
const parentEl = el.parentElement;
if (parentEl) {
const cites = parentEl.dataset.cites;
if (cites) {
return {
cites: cites.split(' ')
} else {
return findCites(el.parentElement)
} else {
return undefined;
var bibliorefs = window.document.querySelectorAll('a[role="doc-biblioref"]');
for (var i=0; i<bibliorefs.length; i++) {
const ref = bibliorefs[i];
const citeInfo = findCites(ref);
if (citeInfo) {
tippyHover(citeInfo.el, function() {
var popup = window.document.createElement('div');
citeInfo.cites.forEach(function(cite) {
var citeDiv = window.document.createElement('div');
var biblioDiv = window.document.getElementById('ref-' + cite);
if (biblioDiv) {
citeDiv.innerHTML = biblioDiv.innerHTML;
return popup.innerHTML;
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