--- title: "WASHWeb Webinar: The Future of Our WASH Data Ecosystem" description: | WASHWeb is hosting its first online event, with guest speakers from Akvo & USAID WSSH Data & Analytics, Aquaya, IRCWASH Systems Academy & WASHNote, mWater, openwashdata, and WASH AI. execute: echo: false warning: false editor_options: chunk_output_type: console markdown: wrap: 72 --- ## 🙋🏻‍♀️ Welcome! WASHWeb is proud to announce that it is hosting its first ever webinar, with guest speakers from Akvo & USAID WSSH Data & Analytics, Aquaya, IRCWASH Systems Academy & WASHNote, mWater, openwashdata, and WASHAI. We will delve into different innovations working towards an improved WASH data ecosystem - from the use of AI and open data, to creating scalable management information systems. ## 📹 Recording Did you miss the webinar? The recording is now available on [WASHWeb's YouTube channel](https://youtu.be/jDKfOT3vBPU?si=yuU_fz5x3GvVxo5d). ## 💻 Slides All presentations are downloadable via [Dropbox](https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iq8ze0ep444rbfzfgr21d/WASHWeb_webinar_all_slides_240404.pdf?rlkey=rs26tn76nyuva7733y3mw3hzw&e=1&st=yk7862ib&dl=0) or the embedded document below. ## 📆 Event Details - **Date:** Thursday, April 04, 3:00 - 4:30 PM (CET) - **Zoom Registration**: Closed - 🇺🇸 7:00 AM (MST - Boulder, USA) - 🇬🇧 2:00 PM (GMT - London, UK) - 🇳🇬 3:00 PM (WAT - Katsina, Nigeria) - 🇰🇪 5:00 PM (EAT - Nairobi, Kenya) - 🇮🇳 7:30 PM (IST - New Delhi, India) - 🇮🇩 9:00 PM (WIB - Jakarta, Indonesia) ## 📑 Agenda ```{r} #| tbl-colwidths: [15, 35, 15, 45] #| column: page #| eval: true agenda <- readr::read_csv(here::here("events/2024_04_04_online_webinar/data/tbl-05-washweb-webinar-agenda.csv")) agenda |> dplyr::select(time, title, speaker, affiliation) |> dplyr::rename_with(~stringr::str_to_title(.x), everything()) |> knitr::kable() ``` ##