Updated First country WASH Web use case (markdown)

Nicolas Dickinson 2019-12-10 11:28:58 +01:00
parent 0d693bf4bc
commit 83ed97d2c3
1 changed files with 41 additions and 2 deletions

@ -1,6 +1,45 @@
Create a country Water and sanitation web page such as:
This use case is designed to be a first level / test case of providing WASH Web information to Wikipedia users on a geographical basis. First at country level and then later at more local geographical levels.
**Title:** Wikipedia reader/editor of a "Water and sanitation in country X" is able to read and edit up to date information about key stakeholders responsible for water and sanitation
**Story:** The user visits the page and clicks through to read about the individual entities/stakeholders/groups in country X to find more information.
**Primary actor:** Wikipedia reader/editor interested / from the country X
**Goal in context:** To find information about country WASH stakeholders
**Scope:** Wikipedia
**Level:** Not sure what level...
**Stakeholders and Interests:** The key stakeholders are the wikipedia reader/editor, the template developer, the WASH Web registry and wikidata community to manage the list of entities
**Pre-conditions:** Data on stakeholders (entities) in the WASH Web registry and reflected in the Wikidata; some initial wikipedia content should have been written already or be written in preparation.
**Minimal guarantees:** The web page is visited by readers.
**Success guarantees:** The web page is visited. There are updates by other wikipedia users to the web page. There is a working flow between edits on the page and updated entries in wikidata/WASH Web so that changes to information can be moderated and the database kept up to date.
**Preconditions:** Support of the wikidata community and an organization from country X to write and validate content on wikipedia and in the WASH Web registry. A way to track users and statistics to validate the success of the test country.
**Triggers:** Visiting WASH in country X page
**Basic flow:**
1. User visits country page
2. Template on country page generates information for the user stored in wikidata on the organizations involved in water and sanitation, e.g. infobox on country page draws on the wikidata information to provide the Ministry responsible for water and sanitation based on a query.
3. User may choose to click through to the wikipedia page with more information on that organization (whether the page exists or not)
4. User may edit the information in the template. This should then be picked up as an edit that needs to be moderated / reviewed to update wikidata and subsequently the WASH Web.
**Other information:**
Create a completely new country Water and sanitation web page such as:
## The narrative
Live examples are: