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1 | start_time | end_time | title | speaker | speaker_link | affiliation | affiliation_link | time |
2 | 09:00 | 09:05 | Workflows and education: openwashdata community | [Elizabeth Tilley](https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-tilley-8103b38a//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-tilley-8103b38a/ | [Professor, Global Health Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland](https://ghe.ethz.ch//) | https://ghe.ethz.ch/ | 09:00 - 09:05 |
3 | 09:05 | 09:15 | Facilitation and theme of session: WASHWeb | [Merel Laauwen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/merel-laauwen//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/merel-laauwen/ | [WASHWeb Coordinator, The Netherlands](https://washweb.org//) | https://washweb.org/ | 09:05 - 09:15 |
4 | 09:15 | 09:18 | WHO WASH: Defining impactful global indicators with better data. | [Fiona Gore](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionagore//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionagore/ | [Technical Project Manager, World Health Organization, Switzerland](https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/water-sanitation-and-health/monitoring-and-evidence/wash-systems-monitoring/un-water-global-analysis-and-assessment-of-sanitation-and-drinking-water/) | https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/water-sanitation-and-health/monitoring-and-evidence/wash-systems-monitoring/un-water-global-analysis-and-assessment-of-sanitation-and-drinking-water | 09:15 - 09:18 |
5 | 09:18 | 09:24 | BASEflow Malawi: Collaborative data sharing for improved services. | [Muthi Nhlema](https://www.linkedin.com/in/muthi-nhlema-829834156//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/muthi-nhlema-829834156/ | [Managing Director, BASEflow, Malawi](https://baseflowmw.org//) | https://baseflowmw.org/ | 09:18 - 09:24 |
6 | 09:24 | 09:27 | University of KwaZulu-Natal: Overcoming capacity constraints in open data practices. | [Susan Mercer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-mercer-0883813a//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-mercer-0883813a/ | [Acting Director: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Research & Development (WASH R&D) Centre, South Africa](https://washcentre.ukzn.ac.za//) | https://washcentre.ukzn.ac.za/ | 09:24 - 09:27 |
7 | 09:27 | 09:30 | Cooperative Governance, South Africa: Data ownership and public sector data sharing. | [Sandile Mbatha](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandilembatha//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandilembatha/ | [National Chief Data Officer, Departments: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa](https://www.cogta.gov.za//) | https://www.cogta.gov.za/ | 09:27 - 09:30 |
8 | 09:30 | 09:33 | DigDeep: Coordinating WASH data and ensuring availability for underserved communities in high income settings. | [Kimberly Lemme](https://www.linkedin.com/in/kslemme//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kslemme/ | [Executive Director, DigDeep Labs, USA](https://www.digdeep.org//) | https://www.digdeep.org/ | 09:30 - 09:33 |
9 | 09:33 | 09:36 | IRC: Increasing trust in open data for investment decisions. | [To be determined](NA/) | NA | [IRC WASH, The Netherlands](https://www.ircwash.org//) | https://www.ircwash.org/ | 09:33 - 09:36 |
10 | 09:36 | 09:39 | SOIL: Balancing client privacy with donor data expectations. | [Sasha Kramer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-kramer-23b4b3160//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-kramer-23b4b3160/ | [Co-founder and Executive Director, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), Haiti](http://oursoil.org//) | http://oursoil.org/ | 09:36 - 09:39 |
11 | 09:39 | 09:45 | Time to move to one one of the break-out discussion tables | [NA](NA/) | NA | [NA](NA/) | NA | 09:39 - 09:45 |
12 | 09:45 | 10:05 | Discussion round | [NA](NA/) | NA | [NA](NA/) | NA | 09:45 - 10:05 |
13 | 10:05 | 10:10 | Time to get back to your seat | [NA](NA/) | NA | [NA](NA/) | NA | 10:05 - 10:10 |
14 | 10:10 | 10:12 | Summary of online discussion | [Colin Walder](https://www.linkedin.com/in/colin-walder-58386a166//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/colin-walder-58386a166/ | [Data Steward, Global Health Engineering, ETH Zurich, Switzerland](NA/) | NA | 10:10 - 10:12 |
15 | 10:12 | 10:14 | Stand-out comments: SOIL | [Sasha Kramer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-kramer-23b4b3160//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sasha-kramer-23b4b3160/ | [Co-founder and Executive Director, Sustainable Organic Integrated Livelihoods (SOIL), Haiti](http://oursoil.org//) | http://oursoil.org/ | 10:12 - 10:14 |
16 | 10:14 | 10:16 | Stand-out comments: IRC | [To be determined](NA/) | NA | [IRC WASH, The Netherlands](https://www.ircwash.org//) | https://www.ircwash.org/ | 10:14 - 10:16 |
17 | 10:16 | 10:18 | Stand-out comments: DigDeep | [Kimberly Lemme](https://www.linkedin.com/in/kslemme//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/kslemme/ | [Executive Director, DigDeep Labs, USA](https://www.digdeep.org//) | https://www.digdeep.org/ | 10:16 - 10:18 |
18 | 10:18 | 10:20 | Stand-out comments: Government of South Africa | [Sandile Mbatha](https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandilembatha//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/sandilembatha/ | [National Chief Data Officer, Departments: Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, South Africa](https://www.cogta.gov.za//) | https://www.cogta.gov.za/ | 10:18 - 10:20 |
19 | 10:20 | 10:22 | Stand-out comments: UKZN WASH R&D Centre | [Susan Mercer](https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-mercer-0883813a//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/susan-mercer-0883813a/ | [Acting Director: Water, Sanitation & Hygiene Research & Development (WASH R&D) Centre, South Africa](https://washcentre.ukzn.ac.za//) | https://washcentre.ukzn.ac.za/ | 10:20 - 10:22 |
20 | 10:22 | 10:24 | Stand-out comments: BASEflow | [Muthi Nhlema](https://www.linkedin.com/in/muthi-nhlema-829834156//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/muthi-nhlema-829834156/ | [Managing Director, BASEflow, Malawi](https://baseflowmw.org//) | https://baseflowmw.org/ | 10:22 - 10:24 |
21 | 10:24 | 10:26 | Stand-out comments: WHO / GLAAS | [Fiona Gore](https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionagore//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/fionagore/ | [Technical Project Manager, World Health Organization, Switzerland](https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/water-sanitation-and-health/monitoring-and-evidence/wash-systems-monitoring/un-water-global-analysis-and-assessment-of-sanitation-and-drinking-water/) | https://www.who.int/teams/environment-climate-change-and-health/water-sanitation-and-health/monitoring-and-evidence/wash-systems-monitoring/un-water-global-analysis-and-assessment-of-sanitation-and-drinking-water | 10:24 - 10:26 |
22 | 10:26 | 10:30 | Closing | [Merel Laauwen](https://www.linkedin.com/in/merel-laauwen//) | https://www.linkedin.com/in/merel-laauwen/ | [WASHWeb Coordinator, The Netherlands](https://washweb.org//) | https://washweb.org/ | 10:26 - 10:30 |