2019 10 15
Luke Murphy edited this page 2019-10-26 16:40:10 +02:00


Timeline: 9am -> 12


  • Tools & Comms
  • Milestones & Roles
  • Mapping
  • Users

Initial notes:

  • Let's not fall into the code cave
  • End product is not the goal (for this phase)
  • Impress what is possible and work on explanations
    • Load infoboxes and show what is possible, for example
  • Do things manually, lowtech, etc.
  • Participate in wikidata community, let each other know they exist
  • Try to be a bridge between the wikidata and the wash sector (shout out to BBSes ;))
  • MVP: What is interesting, possible and should be done
  • After this, letters of support, procurement, references, partnerships
  • Shadow the process and think through software backing for this process
  • Nick has a network of people, know that the end of the line is conferences
  • Glass, Trackfin - doing reporting but WASHNote could make this useful for planning



  • IRC - make #washnote on freenode
  • Signal for p2p for now


  • Paper time!


  • UI can be wikipedia!
  • UI can be algorithmia!
  • Integration with stuff works
  • "The web is the UI"


  • 1 -> Associations, interest groups - people who organise the sector - RWSN, SUSANA, PSEAU, IRC
  • 2 -> International orgs - policy makers, standards - WASH (not data people), working on enabling
  • People who work in wash sector at different levels

"1" is probably enough to start. Who to get interested with the minimal offering "2" trying to work with "2" could strategically work for getting sustainable work

Value of information has be validated. It's been collected, people know it is useful However, they are siloed! They are not exactly closed, you can download it, but it is not linked, explorable Our offering: linked data in the washweb Creating registry focus on the linked data offering - associations are the targets The 2) have funding and still being on the registry generating views on the registry for 2) to improve their ops WHO - tleveraging their data, keeping it in sync, making it linked, providing value

Example first steps:

  • Come to IATI community and propose to Wikidata-ify their registry in collaboration with wikidata people
  • Find out all the problems with that and try to solve them
  • Take results of this approach to organisations


  • Write blogpost about the registry
  • Speak to orgs/communities/try to get a buy in / feedback
  • Build on the use case of the registry