2019 10 23
Luke Murphy edited this page 2019-10-26 16:40:10 +02:00


  • Chatting about IRC setups
  • Blogpost is coming, what are the next steps?
  • Registry:
    • Shortcut is: show the airtable data, no links to organisations
    • Matching requirements:
      • Wikipedia: needs to be publicy accessible
      • Back-end: information accessible from washnote domain and references on wikipedia/data
      • Sector: it is a repository and stored somewhere reputable
      • Frontend UI: An info box
    • Nick is chasing connections to get publicy accessible URLs to reference from wikidata
    • Focusing on small use cases, one country and then exposing what is being done
  • How about talking to PSEAU about including WASHNote maintained wikidata in their data sets
  • WASHNote needs to be a reputable wikidata source - how to do this?
  • How can WASHNote package up the data in the most acceptable, simple way for wikidata
    • wordpress plugin which exposes sql tables and we get our URL


  • Investigate being WASHNote on wikidata as a source, what are the requirements
  • What is the open packaging format we can use to store the registry data as a source
  • How to get that data onto wikidata, what kind of layout, what kind of structure etc.

Again, this is about proving this is useful and worth pursuing.

Post meeting notes on sharing the registry on the web for humans and machines:

  • For WASHNote.com we can add a custom table to feed into pages and provide a quick and easy way to display registry data on WASHNote.com. However, ideally we can have https://washweb.org/registry/ID as the actual place where the data can be seen in a browser and read by a machine.
  • Flask is a simple Python microserver environment we could use and implement quickly.
  • In the past I worked on this with OpenAPI to define a simple REST API and implemented a demo in Flask and Connexion to serve the API from simple data tables (also included authentication): https://github.com/Stroomversnelling/monitoring_udb_resource_server
  • Another option is existing syndication platforms and software packages: data.world / CKAN / etc.
  • Potentially a combination of the above, WASHNote exposes data with links to washweb.org, Flask for serving the linked data web pages in super simple format, data.world for providing an Excel sheet and many kinds of syndication / access options (all kinds of libraries available for data.world)