First country WASH Web use case
Luke Murphy edited this page 2019-12-19 16:52:09 +07:00

Active use of WASH Web data to update pages for Wikipedia users on water and sanitation on a geographical basis ("Country X"). This use case is at the country level. As this is the first test case, others at local geographical levels are expected if this is successful.

Title: Wikipedia reader/editor of a "Water and sanitation in country X" is able to access and edit WASH Web referenced data about key stakeholders responsible for water and sanitation with automation supporting a two way moderation of public WASH data sources.

Story: PART 1: The user visits the page and clicks through to read about the individual entities/stakeholders/groups in country X to find more information. PART 2: Changes to the initial page on "Country X" or in the entity/stakeholder/group webpage will trigger a moderation of public WASH Web data sources.

Primary actor: Wikipedia reader/editor interested / from the country X. The moderator/owner of public WASH data sources.

Goal in context: To find quality public information about WASH stakeholders in Country X in line with Wikipedia guidelines.

Scope: Wikipedia, wikidata


Stakeholders and Interests: The key stakeholders are the wikipedia reader/editor, the template developer, the WASH Web registry or other public WASH data sources and wikidata community to manage the list of entities

Pre-conditions: Data on stakeholders (entities) in the WASH Web registry and reflected in the Wikidata; template on wikipedia pulling information from wikidata; some initial wikipedia content should have been written already or be written in preparation.

Minimal guarantees: The web page is visited by readers.

Success guarantees: The web page is visited. There are updates by other wikipedia users to the web page. There is a working flow between edits on the page and updated entries in wikidata/WASH Web so that changes to information can be moderated and the database kept up to date.

Preconditions: Support of the wikidata community and an organization from country X to write and validate content on wikipedia and in the WASH Web registry. A way to track users and statistics to validate the success of the test country.

Triggers: Visiting WASH in country X page

Basic flow:

  1. User visits country page
  2. Template on country page generates information for the user stored in wikidata on the organizations involved in water and sanitation, e.g. infobox on country page draws on the wikidata information to provide the Ministry responsible for water and sanitation based on a query.
  3. User may choose to click through to the wikipedia page with more information on that organization (whether the page exists or not)
  4. User may edit the information in the template. This should then be picked up as an edit that needs to be moderated / reviewed to update wikidata and subsequently the WASH Web.

Further explanation

The idea is probably to create a completely new country Water and sanitation web page such as: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eau_potable_et_assainissement_au_Burkina_Faso

Live examples are: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eau_potable_et_assainissement_au_Maroc Or: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_supply_and_sanitation_in_Burkina_Faso

Note, there may be an advantage to choosing a French page for two reasons. There is currently no info box on the French version of these pages. There are less pages. This means we can more usefully populate a web page and we can try to focus on the minimum required. The difficulty with some English pages, with dated information, such as the Ghana page is that they are so big, it is a daunting task to update and it would potentially get in the way of testing the minimum, automated info box: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Water_supply_and_sanitation_in_Ghana

We need to look into templates and understand the data, moderation and workflow to updating info boxes. The Ghana web page does not have the correct ministry's name at the moment. It was reformed (I will update this now). How do we both have automatic and human editable info boxes? Let's figure this out during the first use case test.

For this reason, I suggest a new country page for Burkina Faso (also to work multi-lingual), where we replicate the English info box and simplify it. We work with an organization from Burkina Faso (possible IRCWASH.org) to create the whole page. We also test the workflow.